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Why it is important to listen your body and how to listen.

“Listen to your Body” – What does it mean actually? You must be thinking that one day your body will literally speak to you; no it’s not like that. Your body may give you many sign and show symptoms during the whole day but question is when should we listen to our body and the answer is when you get some response directly from your brain/mind as brain is connected and drive the whole body. Like if you are feeling tired, take some rest but if it is getting worsen seek medical help. We should never ever skip to listen to our body as it may cause severe health issues.

And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.  By Nayyirah Waheed.

So, here we are taking an example of running and through which we will make you to understand the plans and ways to listen to your body and how to take necessary action accordingly. Suppose you want to start running which you have never done before and this time you are serious to start with to get fit.

Now what should be the steps to get on.

First of all, make sure you are ready physically and mentally. So, for physical fitness, you can feel that howz you are feeling now, also can get yourself medically tested also. As far as mental fitness is concerned, again howz you feeling , are you happy or not. That’s how one can sure about it. And if there is any medical condition with you then before starting running, get yourself checked by the doc.

How to perform the test of your Fitness Level

You might have some idea of how fit you are from inside, but it’s good to have numbers to compare as you go on. Check your pulse right before and after you walk a 1-2km. Do the same for a 2.5-3km run (if you feel good enough), and time it. About 4 weeks in to your running routine, check those numbers again and you will get to know about how far you’ve come.

Set the Goal

There is a saying that it is hard to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going. So first set your goal like whether you want to run 5k in a day or want to lose some fat. Decide what you want to do so you can make the right plan to get you there. And remember to measure distance, weight, and blood pressure whatever linked to your goal. So you can track your progress. It’ll help to keep you motivated.

Make a proper schedule

Scheduling means where to start, how quickly to add mileage, when to rest, and how to keep yourself safe and it should be done on a day-by-day basis. Find a training schedule that works for you, or check with your doctor or a licensed exercise professional if you’re not sure where to start.

Respect your body

In general, you can say that I love the way you are my body. I am nothing without you. Try to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Always start easy

 Always start by walking and begin to run gradually, as you feel comfortable. A good goal is to get at least 150 minutes a week of “moderate aerobic activity,” like walking, or 75 minutes of “vigorous aerobic activity,” like running. Spread those minutes out over the course of a week.  

Warm Ups

Warm up eases you into your run and may help prevent injury and keep your muscles from being sore. If you’re going for a fast walk, walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes first. If you’re going for a run, start with a brisk walk or slow jog.

Listening body symptoms

If you get dizzy, feel sick, or can’t breathe properly then immediately stop. You’re probably overdoing it. Be flexible with your schedule as you get started. Take a couple of days off to get your strength back if you need to and take proper rest. let cool down your body as your heart and blood pressure will get normal.

Connect your mind with body

The easiest way to connect your body and mind is to use a combination of your breath and your sense of touch. Begin by putting your hand over your heart. Notice how your heart beats under your palm, and how your chest rises and falls with each breath you take.


When you run, your muscles get tighter. Stretching can help to keep your joints loose and get more blood to those areas. Stretch major muscles after your run, not before. Be gentle, breathe freely, and try to hold each one around 30 seconds. A running guide or exercise professional can help with the right way to do it for you. Also, make running and stretching a regular habit as if it becomes your habit then it will be hard to shaken up.

So, after seeing this running example, what we have to make a note of it.

Always get yourself checked before doing such activities.

Always keep record of your actions and readings so that you can better listen your body.

Always make a proper plan.

If you ever feel something wrong with your body, immediately seek medical help.

Think about what your body needs

Exercise is must to get fit.

Take proper rest

Avoid taking stress

Always believe in you and how you feel.

 So try to listen to your body and give it what it wants like

If your body is feeling anxious, try the deep breathing technique.

If you’re thirsty, drink some water. Don’t think that will drink later, as your body need it now.

If you’re hungry, go and grab a quick, healthy snack.

If you’re restless, take a break and go for a short walk and rest.

If you’re achy or stiff, stretch or try a few yoga poses.

If you’re tired, take a break if you can. If not, try taking a two-minute vacation. Close your eyes and imagine yourself relaxing in a beautiful, peaceful place.

Always live to the fullest like king size because this is just one life and body you have got. So enjoy but never leave your body behind for fulfilling your status.

Hope you have found this article helpful and even if there is something you want to know please feel free to call/contact us. click here to contact us.


Author has always been passionate about fitness, disguise, transformation. Hence, always motivating and spreading awareness about different ways to achieve fitness irrespective of age.

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